Pakuranga Learning Centre
WHERE QUALITy childcare matters
"To provide and promote high quality, affordable and accessible child care and knowledge to meet the needs of children and families in our community".
"To provide a safe and developmentally inclusive environment for infants, toddlers, and

our goals
Our goal is to support and nurture the children's natural desires to learn. We are committed to the families we serve, providing support and encouragement along the journey.
our focus
Our focus is to provide a stimulating early learning experience, which promotes each child’s social/emotional, physical and cognitive development.
The teaching philosophy of Pakuranga Learning Centre is centred around TE WHĀRIKI EARLY CHILDHOOD CURRICULUM, which is underpinned by a vision for children who are competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.
Pakuranga Learning Centre is a multicultural centre where the culture of each family is respected.
We value turangawaewae (place) of each child and our whanaunagatanga (relationship) with parents and families/whanau.
Their rights are respected and valued.
Based on understanding of Te Whare Tapa Wha (the Maori model of wellbeing) kaiako/teachers provide a trusting, safe, secure, and stimulating environment for children where their holistic wellbeing is nurtured.
We believe that all children are capable and competent learners and affirm them as individuals.
We look to understand each child’s mana, strengths, interests, and potentials, through responsive and reciprocal relationships.
Children’s contributions are woven into the programme.
Teachers are both teachers and learners who ako (work alongside) children and families and we aim to support children and families to be whakamana (empowered) within our learning community.
Social competences are enhanced by working alongside tamariki/children and modelling by kaiako/teachers.
Our programme supports children developing skills in non-verbal and verbal communication.
Tamariki/children feel comfortable and confident to express their emotions, feelings, thoughts and ideas with their peers and educators.
There are opportunities and spaces provided for them to create and express their ideas through play using a wide range of cultural tools. (Mahi-A-Rongo and Taha Hinenaro)
Our learning environment aims to stimulate and foster our tamariki/children to be life-long learners.
They are invited to participate into wide range of meaningful play experiences in order to enhance their holistic development.
Kaiako/teachers give opportunities for children to interact with the natural world and the local community to develop their understanding of Papatūānuku.
Kaiako/teachers involve ideas and practices about sustainability, respecting and caring for our environment through teaching and learning throughout the curriculum and extending children’s understanding about Maori views which is kaitiakitanga (protection) and developing aroha (love) and empathy for the earth.
Kaiako/teachers integrate three principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi into our inclusive curriculum
Putting tamariki/children at the centre of teaching and learning, we aim to establish close partnerships between tamariki/children, families/whanau and kaiako/teachers.
Tamariki/Children, their families/whanau and kaiako/teachers are supported to be open to the dual culture of the Treaty. We integrate Maori heritage, culture and tikanga (protocol) into our curriculum.
We actively encourage learning Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori through a range of relevant mediums and resources. All children including Maori and Pacific have equal opportunities for learning and development.